
Duriense Factory | Marco de Canaveses Founded in 1956 by Joaquim Ribeiro, a baker by profession, and his wife Elisa Coutinho, Fábrica Duriense – Indústria de Biscoitos, Lda. gave a lot to its region. The first ovens, made of brick and wood, and the improvement of cookie recipes, always in a great atmosphere of secrecy, were the first step towards the creation of a brand that grew between family generations. Located in Soalhães and inserted in the Route of the Romanesque in the Douro region, biscuits are produced here that promise to sweeten the mouth of the Portuguese, always with maximum rigor and quality, values ​​that predominate from the first day and that accompany the brand until the of today.

(nd). About Us. Duriense

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